
Village Life

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A typical Barotse village near the agricultural station at Lukulanya.

The Barotse sledge was pulled by oxen and was more suited to the sandy conditions than a cart.

The man in uniform is an Agricultural Assistant. In the white jacket is an senior Induna from the Court of the Paramount Chief. The well was dug under the aegis of the Agricultural Department and was intended to provide a purer supply than from the canal.

A traditional grain store with a species of sansaveria or sisal in the foreground. Its fibres were used for weaving mats in some areas.

Namushakende, carrying maize.

A sewing lesson at Lukulu.

An adult education class at Lukulu.

Cassava roots were pounded into flour after soaking to remove the prussic acid. Maize and other grains were also pounded in the same mortars. The basket and mat behind were of traditional design. The diamond pattern on the basket was typical.

The building under construction behind would have used sun dried bricks. Note the wooden scaffolding tied together with bark thongs.

This flour was probably be from pounded cassava but could equally have been mealie meal.

Iron was mined in the wet season in Barotseland whilst the ground was soft. Tools and weapons were made with the aid of the traditional bellows in this picture which was operated by pulling and pushing the sticks attached to the skin diaphragms.

This woman is smoking a traditional pipe made from a gourd.

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