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On tour.

Whilst on tour, camp was sometimes made at special permanent sites with lapas round them. This bell tent was used by father on walking tours. A walking tour might have employed fifteen to twenty carriers and lasted one to three weeks. Its purpose was to visit villages to advise on agricultural matters. Larger, cottage tents were also used.

These older and poorer specimens were being bought up in order to improve the breeding stock of local herds.

The cashier from Suzman's paying out.

Lunch break.

The agricultural station at Namushakende at the edge of the flood plain.The old road to Mongu ran to the left along the edge of the plain and continued to the right to Senanga.

Sugar cane is being cut and weighed for processing at the agricultural station.

Raw sugar cane is being pressed to extract the juice which is running into an old cooking oil container.

Raw sugar cane juice from the old cooking oil container is being strained into the ubiquitous 44 gallon drum over a fire. The final product was known as jaggery and was rather like toffee.

The Barotse flood plain of the Zambesi River near Namushakende. Maize was planted on the islands left by the higher ground (luzulu) by villagers. Harvesting was often carried out by canoe.

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